
Arranging Indoor plants is one of the best ways to bring a mini garden feel to a home. For homeowners and interior designers, choosing plants as a staple in the design of a house will not only boost its value (reported to increase as much as a 11%!), but it'll also boost the well-being of the residents living there. This is the case in all the rooms of a home: from a bedroom, dining room, and yes, of course, to the living room.

According to Moving Home Advice, "people spend 6.8 hours per day in a bedroom and 4.4 hours in a living room." While time spent in a bedroom trumps the latter living space, the case can be made that we spend more time awake in the living room--It's no wonder why it's called the living room!

Considering this, knowing how to arrange plants in the living room is of paramount importance, and in this article we'll share all our expert tips of how to go about doing just that.

Before getting into some excellent indoor decoration ideas, we'll begin by providing you with more reasons why indoor plants are so beneficial. After all, we want you to be fully convinced your money is being well spent. From there, we'll discuss the different pots for a personal indoor garden before ending that section off with the plants you could pot: from smaller plants to larger plants, and even trailing plants if you'd like!

Once that's all done we'll get into the fun stuff so by the end of this you'll have all the knowledge of how to arrange plants in living room!

Looking for stylish and luxurious pots for your plants? Browse our Indoor Planters collection today and breathe new life into your living room!

Why Are Indoor Plants So Beneficial?

There are numerous reasons why indoor plants are so beneficial to us. When you think about it, when you grow plants indoors you're essentially harnessing the power of nature so it's no surprise why the positives are so far ranging. Let's have a look at some.

Stress reducing

To start, indoor plants have great stress reducing effects. Based on the results of a study in 2015, researchers found "active interaction with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress compared with mental work. This is accomplished through suppression of sympathetic nervous system activity and diastolic blood pressure and promotion of comfortable, soothed, and natural feelings."

If this information leaves you feeling a little dubious, no worries. A simple way to test this out is by going for a walk through your local park. But remember, while you're in the park, actually try to be there rather than playing around with your phone. Once you return home, note how you feel - Most would admit they at least feel a bit more relaxed!

Air quality

If you recall anything from your high school science classes, you might know that plants are able to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen in a process called photosynthesis. Though the exact how of it all might go over your head, did you know it's also true that plants improve indoor air quality?

An old NASA study proved just that, meaning, not only does placing plants in decorative pots around a home provide it with visual interest, your green friends are also helping you breathe better!


Many people arrange plants indoors because they understand the aesthetic benefits it has on a living space. Just imagine for a second two rooms: one filled with plants and the other without a single one--Which room appears the more welcoming environment? Most would agree that the one with some greenery looks better.

Now, how many plants you have doesn't actually matter--whether a few plants or a jungle-like plant arrangement, you can easily have one or two large potted plants with leaf shapes to get the same effect as a whole collection of smaller plants like succulents. Find what works best for you and your environment!


Perhaps the most important benefit on this list, as you begin to care for plants in a living space, you'll find yourself beginning to enjoy this new past time in your life, and you'll start seeing developments within yourself.

From the simple but vital act of watering your plants when they need to be watered to watching the leaves of your indoor plants catch the morning's direct sunlight, all of this will combine to leave you feeling happier.

This is because plants are an innate part of our identity as humans. As cities become more packed and filled with concrete, your ability to properly arrange indoor plants will give you that much needed sense of joy.

Need a bit more inspiration? Check out these 7 Plant Combination Ideas For Container Gardens

What Pots Do Indoor Plants Love?

While you now know better why you should be gardening in an indoor living space, you need a bit more information about how before beginning. One of the most important components then of any successful gardening is what type of pot you arrange plants in. So let's take a look at a few pots to get you started.

Ceramic Pots

Ceramic pots are one of the most well known and beloved pots out there. They're good for beginners to use because of their relative cheapness, and they also come in an array of designs making them the perfect home for your favorite plant.

Now, though these are good first choices for new plants, they do come with a few drawbacks. For one, not all ceramic pots come with drainage holes. This is an issue as water flow is restricted in your pot and this can lead to diseases like root rot.

Another problem is that because of their ceramic make, if you ever decide to grow a large plant or tall plant indoors, you may find moving the planter around to be quite a task.

Plastic pots

Though there might be a few problems when using a plastic planter outside, when planting indoors, this pot is a safe option. They are cost-effective, lightweight, and come in a variety of different shapes and sizes that will allow you bring the best out of your plants in your living spaces.

However, for the more environmentally conscious, plastic pots aren't the best choice. Also, they aren't as strong as some of their counterparts and once they break, that's that.

If all you're after is a quick and easy planter to use for the time being, try a plastic pot. If you want something more long lasting, check out our third and final pick.

Fiberglass pots

These pots are one of the most popular kinds of planters for good reason, with an array of benefits that make them ideal for use both indoors and outdoors.

For one, fiberglass is durable. You can almost expect lifetime performance as there's little that cause them to break. Secondly, these pots are made of a material that can be painted over so not only do you have to have an eye catching plant potted inside, you can use the planter itself to serve as the focal point in a room--That means added style points!

The last reason we'll provide on the pros of fiberglass (though there are many more) is the fact that their lightweight build means easy transport around a home. You can move these pots from the living room to the attic with little hassle! For the sake of this post, let's focus on how to arrange indoor plants with fiberglass planters - their flexibility means the ideas are endless!

Still unconvinced? Check out these 5 Fiberglass Planter Benefits and you'll be a believer in no time

What Are The Best Indoor Plants?

Really, there's no right or wrong answer for this, but here are some of our favorite plants for potting indoors.

  • Hanging plants like the Spider plant.
  • Trailing plants like the English Ivy.
  • Smaller plants like the Peace Lily.
  • Larger plants like the Fiddle Leaf Fig
  • Taller plants like the Snake plant.
  • Succulents like the Aeonium.
  • Flowers like a Rose or Lavender.

How would you plant these in a pot? Read up on this Planter Guides By Shape

Ideas For How To Arrange Plants In Living Room

Keep Things Simple!

It's a rookie mistake to go overboard with purchasing plants when you first begin gardening indoors. Though you might've seen people grouping plants together and still managing to achieve some sort of continuity throughout, that's the kind of style option you can undertake once you feel comfortable with gardening--Remember, gardening is much more than just arranging plants in a space, the aim is to keep them alive for as long as possible!

That's why when you first start gardening, we recommend keeping things simple. Visit your local nursery and consult with someone there, asking them questions like, what's a good plant for beginner gardeners? They'll likely point you in the direction of plants like the Snake Plant or ZZ Plant. These are the best plants for starters, as they're easy to care for but still beautiful.

Now, once you've chosen your favorite, go ahead and arrange this plant in your living room in something like the Torino Corner Planter, but remember, keep things simple! Stick to one by the coffee table or in the corner to give your living room that first breath of freshness it needs. Once you've figured out how to take care of those, then start installing other plants.

Need more ideas for how to arrange indoor plants with a square pot? Look at all the best Square Planter Ideas for more

Play With Different Living Room Houseplants

Working off the previous tip, once you've gotten comfortable with your first few plants, now you can start thinking about arranging plants together.

The best way to start going about doing this is by focusing on plant and planter size and shape instead of the actual plant species themselves.

The reason we recommend doing this is because figuring out how to arrange indoor plants based on the actual species of plant can be quite a tricky task if you're not equipped with a good amount of prior gardening knowledge. By instead focusing on the size and shape of the plant and plant stand, you don't need as in-depth an understanding--You'll end up learning along the way!

For example, let's see what's possible if your living room isn't that spacious. In such a scenario, you can simply choose to go for smaller plants. Spider plants work, or succulents if you really want an array of plants. Try something like the Tonto Small Cube Planter for a cute but durable plant holder.

Once you start figuring out how to work with plant and planter shape and size, you can also add plant colors into the mix. This is when you start learning how to provide visual weight with your greenery, and at that point, arranging houseplants has never been more fun!

Need more inspiration? Check out these 9 Container Gardening Trends

A Trailing Plant From Wall Mounted Plant Shelves

Trailing and hanging plants are great for a living room because they add a playful touch to the space where family and friends gather to relax and enjoy themselves. By then placing these plants atop plant shelves, you can eliminate any worry for a lack of space because the plant pots won't actually be sitting on anything like a coffee table or on the ground. Really, it's a win win.

To plant atop plant shelves, choose a small, lightweight pot like the Montroy Cube Planter--This versatile pot comes in 11 lightweight sizes!

Once you got the pot, choose a trailing plant. We've suggested English Ivy already but you could also go for Pothos, Philodendron, or a Spider Plant. These do well with a bit of natural light or bright indirect light so having them growing near a window works well. At that point, you're pretty much done.

Got the pot but don't know anything about upkeep? Read up on Fiberglass Planter Maintenance

Hanging Plants In Wall-Mounted Planters

To take the last idea a step further, installing wall-mounted planters for hanging plants looks cleaner and is somewhat safer than using shelves. Plus, placing wall-mounted planters at various points on the wall can create a waterfall of green-wall design in your living room!

Placing plants above in hanging pots allow for an unmatched style your family and friends will be raving about. To start, go for a fiberglass planter like this Nile Wall Planter - perfect for introducing visual weight in a space.

Slightly more complicated than just placing a pot on a shelf, you'll need to install hooks into your walls to really get that hanging effect, but it's oh so worth it! Different plants can hang from different heights to really give this a unique effect.

More on pot size? Find out everything you need to know about the Best Plant Pot Sizes

Group Plants In Odd Numbers

Once you start mastering gardening, you can begin to make deliberate choices with your potting. This is where something like grouping plants in odd numbers becomes a trick. The reason we choose odd numbers rather than even is because there's something oddly satisfying about that amount. An odd number like three is the right amount of variety compared to two, but something about it also just looks easier on the eye than four.

To begin, you can either choose three separate pots with different plants growing, or, grow three plants in a single pot. The former is simple to pull off but to achieve the latter, it's vital you choose a plant pot that has a large enough capacity to provide the soil for three plants. Something like the Darwin Tall Rectangular Planter is a great option.

Once the pot is ready, start thinking about plant choice. If you're going for three plants, how about trying the classic thriller, filler, spiller arrangement? Thrillers are your tall plants, fillers the one that provide texture, and spillers are trailing plants that spill over the pot's edge. A plant arrangement like this is sure to wow guests whenever they first enter your living room!

Want more rectangular planter ideas? Check out these 6 Amazing Rectangle Planter Ideas

Browse JBD Concepts Indoor Planters Collection - Where Style Meets Function

At JBD Concepts, we recognize the transformative influence of a thoughtfully designed indoor garden. Our indoor planters are meticulously crafted to enhance the visual appeal of your interior spaces while fostering a stronger connection with nature. Each of our fiberglass planters is meticulously designed for perfection, and they come with a reassuring 3-year warranty to provide you with peace of mind with every purchase.

Are you ready to embark on your indoor landscaping adventure? Delve into our selection of indoor planters and find the ideal companions for your home. Take the first step toward creating the interior landscape of your dreams!

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